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Update Brexit: changes from the 31st of January 2020
Published on 20 December 2019After three years of uncertainty with the Brexit, last week, Boris Johnson won the elections with his Conservative Party with an absolute majority. It means that the Brexit is, finally, a fact from the 31st of January 2020. In the Brexit-agreement that Boris Johnson concluded with the European Union, it includes three topics that will be further explained. From the end of January 2020, the Brexit will formally take effect. Until this, there is a transition period of 11 months.
– The final payment the United Kingdom has to pay leaving the European Union.
– The rights of the British citizens in the European Union and the rights of the European citizens in the United Kingdom.
– The location of the trade barrier between Ireland and Northern Ireland (which will be in the Irish Sea between Northern Ireland and the British mainland).
The only thing that will change from the 31st of January 2020 is that the United Kingdom cannot contribute to the European Institutions, cannot present a European commissioner and has formally nothing to say in Brussels.
The United Kingdom will still be part of the European market in 2020 which means free movement of goods, services and people. There will be no mutual trade barriers.
If there are any relevant changes, we will keep you updated about this.