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Update on our new building
Published on 29 September 2022
A few months ago we started the construction of our new building. A lot has already been built and we are working towards the beautiful end result. In the following video you can see what our building will look like:
We would like to give you a small update on the progress. The warehouses will be moved from December 2022. The move of the offices was planned for January 1, but unfortunately this will not be possible due to delivery problems in the construction industry. The aim remains to take up employment in the new building in Q1 of 2023.
The new building looks impressive and is built according to the the latest trends in the field of sustainability. The warehouses are spacious and a lot of space has been created to be together again as the Voerman Group under one roof.
Finally, have you already driven past the new building? What do you think?