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Voerman attends international moving convention in Amsterdam
Published on 24 May 2013From 16 till the 18th of May over 150 moving companies from all over the world gathered in our nations Capital. Under the inspiring name of YMCA ( Young Movers Convention Amsterdam) the convention was deemed to be a great success!
Representing Voerman where Job van Ede (Voerman Prague) and Matthieu Odijk (Voerman The Hague) The program offered a large variety with visits to the worlds largest flower auction in Aalsmeer and a visit to the Saan Museum.
During these 3 days people got the chance to meet in a formal and informal way with their partners across the world. As Voerman we got the chance to be on the expert panel and give our view on the future and the way forward.
For us this conference was a great success where we got the chance to stand out in the crowd and promote our IT & Application developement company, Move4U Web Applications and our Africa Service Desk. Already new request and partnerships are coming in and we expect that this will only grow in the upcoming months.