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Voerman and the fight against cancer
Published on 6 August 2013This year we will challenge the famous Tour de France Mountain: the Mont Ventoux. Together with almost 1000 participants we strive to collect a large sum of money for the research and treatment of cancer.
Unfortunately we are all too familiar with this disease. One out of three people are diagnosed with cancer at a certain point in their lives. Half of these people are able to conquer cancer, the other half find themselves on a slippery slope downwards. The disease has a huge impact on our lives. Family and friends feel powerless.
Ven2-4Cancer acts on this powerlessness and translates it to a sportive challenge. We will challenge the Mont Ventoux by bike to reach the 1931 meter summit. Some slopes are as steep as 12%! Our slogan is the most appropriate one: Never Ever Quit. It’s simply not an option to step down and give in.
The Voerman Group consists of 7 cyclists from offices in the The Hague, Prague & Moscow. From truck drivers to Directors, and from back office to sales, the team spirit is present!
We started this event in 2009, collecting € 144.000. Last year in 2012 this amount was already € 652.558. Consequently we hope to raise even more money this year. And that’s where the sponsors come in!
Your sponsorship will not only be highly appreciated by the charity organisations but it will have some interesting PR opportunities for your company as well. Your company logo will be placed on our website and with donations over € 750,= we will place the logo on a special removal trucks. These trucks will depart from the Netherlands to Southern France to supply the participants of food and water. During the event the truck will be parked at the base camp and is used as a significant landmark. After the event the truck will be used for relocations in Europe for a full year.
Our aim is to contribute at least € 70.000,= to the event. We will guarantee that 100% of the donations will be transferred to charity organisations.
We are counting on you!
Warm regards,
Voerman Group
Tel: +31 (0)70-301 13 01