Business Intelligence Dashboard

Published on 1 November 2018

Voerman works with Business Intelligence dashboards to get more insight into the data concerning our business.

I’m convinced that we need this information to continue to improve our performance, focus on the right topics and create a total strategy to stay ahead. Predictive analytics is the future, also for the mobility industry and our company specifically.

We asked a couple of questions about the business intelligence dashboards, why it is so relevant for our industry, what do we think of data and these insights and how do we see the future of the industry in regards to Business Intelligence? Michiel van Herk, our Chief Financial Officer answers these questions. Read the interview here.

Why is that important for us?

In a competitive and seasonal industry like ours, it’s important that we know where we stand. So information like the number of booked moves, turnover, volume etc. is crucial. RedSky gives us the possibility to extract this data. We have automated these processes and created a visual dashboard of the current situation, all our branches are included, the Netherlands, Russia, Czech Republic and Africa.

What more can the different businesses within Voerman do with Business Intelligence?

With adequate and correct information we can make the right decisions and we can detect trends that we can anticipate and act on. For example, if we note increasing or declining volume on specific traffic lanes or on specific services, we can act directly. A second example is a “heatmap”  that shows us where we provide our services and which partners we use. This can result in more efficient choices for our partners. The possibilities of reports are endless and all in real-time.

Data or big data is the big new buzz word. How do you see the future of Voerman group with data?

Indeed it’s a buzz word. I would not say that we’re working with “big data”, like the big internet companies. But the data we have is still substantial and very useful for us. It can really help us move forward. I’m convinced that we need this information to continue to improve our performance, focus on the right topics and create a total strategy to stay ahead.

So this project is finished?

No, not at all. This will be a process of continued improvement. We are sharing this information with our managers, but soon we will share this within the whole organization and with our clients in dedicated real-time reporting. Based on the feedback, we will make changes in the different reports.

The second improvement is the quality of the data. It’s like every report; trash in = trash out. Our systems are rigid and flexible, but we have full focus on correct data entry.

The third improvement is that we don’t use this data to only see what happened, but also to predict what will happen. Predictive analytics is the future, also for the mobility industry and our company specifically.