
De verhuisindustrie verschilt van dag tot dag. Er zijn trends, gebeurtenissen en organisatorische veranderingen in de verhuizende business. Hieronder vindt u de nieuwsartikelen van de Voerman Groep.

Update January

Gepubliceerd op17 januari 2022

Happy New Year! As we start a new year, it is a good time to look ahead, but it is also important to look back. With our monthly updates, we want to keep you informed on what is going on in the international relocation industry and the impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as this … Lees verder

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Voerman receives the recognition Circle of Excellence for Q3 2021 by Aires

Gepubliceerd op26 november 2021

Obtaining a score of 93,3%, we are very proud to announce that AIRES recognizes us a preferred partner for the second year in a row. Achieving this score means we have not only exceeded the quality minimum, but we have also exceeded the requirement for the Centre of Excellence award. Aires can have absolute trust in our … Lees verder

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Voerman rent Marathon van Rotterdam en haalt €3271,- op in strijd tegen kinderkanker

Gepubliceerd op28 oktober 2021

We zijn supertrots op onze acht werknemers die, afgelopen zondag, 24 oktober, de Marathon van Rotterdam – business run (in estafette vorm) hebben gelopen en hiermee een totaalbedrag van €3.271,- hebben opgehaald voor het Prinses Máxima Centrum  – een centrum voor kinderen tegen kanker. Super knap gedaan! Uiteraard was dit niet gelukt zonder jullie support. … Lees verder

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Update October 2021

Gepubliceerd op21 oktober 2021

We would like to give you an overview of what we have seen happening over the last few weeks, especially on the freight side. We expect to be living in a “new normal” for at least the next six to seven months. Initially, we thought the impact to our industry would only be a few … Lees verder

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Monthly Message September

Gepubliceerd op4 oktober 2021

Voerman has partnered with Equalture, a tool that helps companies make unbiased hiring decisions. The Voerman Group has been certified by Equalture’s Certification Program as an Innovator, as we have taken a serious effort into ensuring equal employment opportunities. Voerman is committed to equal employment opportunities and embraces inclusion & diversity amongst its employees.Chris de … Lees verder

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Voerman runs the Rotterdam Marathon – in the fight against child cancer

Gepubliceerd op24 september 2021

Het is eindelijk zover, na ruim anderhalf jaar, gaat de Marathon van Rotterdam – editie 2020 – door. Op zondag 24 oktober 2021 staan 8 werknemers van de Voerman Group in de startblokken voor de (estafette) business run en wordt in een team van vier lopers de volledige afstand van 42,195 kilometer afgelegd. De Marathon … Lees verder

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Monthly Message August

Gepubliceerd op6 september 2021

Due to the success of The Voerman Feel Good Playlist, we are now launching a special ‘Summer Edition’. This playlist has all the ingredients for a happy summer feeling. Whether you are staying in the Netherlands this summer, going to the sun or still working, with these 30 songs you will be in a relaxed … Lees verder

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Update September

Gepubliceerd op2 september 2021

In this new update, we would like to give you an overview of what we have seen happening over the last few weeks, especially on the freight side. Initially, we thought the impact of container and labor shortages and port congestion would affect our industry for only a few months, but as looks now we … Lees verder

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Voerman just became a Certified Innovator in equal opportunities in hiring

Gepubliceerd op12 augustus 2021

Voerman is committed to equal employment opportunities and embraces inclusion & diversity amongst its employees. Voerman is a certified innovator by Equalture, an organization that strives for equal chances for everyone in the labour market. Voerman values and treats all people with dignity and respect. We aim to encourage, value and manage Equality, Diversity and … Lees verder

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