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“Don’t be afraid to be amazing!”

“When I started working in the Mobility Industry 23 years ago, I didn’t have a clue off all aspects that were related to relocating abroad. I can tell you now that it’s a true journey and never a final destination – as international workers are always on the move. It’s an amazing number of steps that need to be taken before you can actually say: “the new location feels like a second home”.
Being part of the Voerman Group for me means that you have the opportunity to become a true partner for all of those international companies that relocate their personnel around the globe. You learn to know what their challenges are (of both the Global Mobility Officers, as well as the families), what difficulties they face and how we as a supplier can make a true difference.
Not only for short-time results, but far more with an eye to composing long-term & high-efficient solutions. My personal aim is to be an extension of the Global Mobility Department; always be visible, open and thinking ahead on possible solutions and improvements. A relationship not based on outsourcing but truly on co-sourcing.
We are always eager to learn, passionate in what we do and most of all we are not afraid to be amazing.
At Voerman, we are proud that we can accompany our customers on their way to reach a perfect routing for their relocation needs. We have over 30 years of international presence in the market but the real difference is made by the human touch; the enormous commitment of our international staff. Each and every member is of high importance, you cannot accomplish your goals without the presence of your colleagues.
Supporting a relocation is really a team effort! When I joined Voerman nine years ago I was impressed with the high level of service offered not only to our customers, but also to each other.
We are always eager to learn, passionate in what we do, and most of all we are not afraid to be amazing. We make the difference on a personal level – day in and day out!”
Sandra Goudswaard, Account Manager